11/17/23 – Dr. Analia Albuja receives SAGE Emerging Scholar Award for work on identities ‘that don’t neatly fit’ society’s expectations. Read more here!
7/15/23 – Dr. Analia Albuja delivered a talk and Q & A on the topic of multiculturalism! Dr. Albuja was invited to speak after the performance of the play Secret Asian Man about the life of an Asian man in America.
7/13/23 – Sophia Castillo presented at the APA 45 Research Conference in San Diego, CA! Her research, titled Differential Perceptions of Latinx Identity as a Racial or Ethnic Category, focuses on perceptions of Latinx as a race or ethnicity especially considering how many official documents categorize Latinx as an ethnicity and force respondents to choose another racial category.
06/25/23 – Principal Investigator, Dr. Analia Albuja, gave a talk titled “Mapping Others’ “-isms”: A Two-Dimensional Cognitive Map of Perceived Generalized Prejudice” at the SPSSI Conference in Denver, CO!
06/15/23 – Lab Manager, Sophia Castillo, just received the Student Travel Award to attend the APA Division 45 Research Conference in San Diego, CA to present her work on differential perceptions of Latino identity as a race or ethnicity!
04/13/23 – Lab members Sophia Castillo and Elle Wilson presented the research they have been conducting at the BASIL at Northeastern’s own RISE Conference! Sophia’s project analyzes perceptions of Latino identity as a race or ethnicity, which she has been working on with Dr. Analia Albuja. Elle’s work examines perceptions of children’s gender identity development by adults, which she has worked with Postdoc Jessica Glazier to develop.